We gather as community of folks who live inside and outside. This is the heart of who we are, and how we show our heart (and God’s) for our friends:
During lunch on Sunday, burritos on Tuesday, and dinner Wednesday evening. The importance is placed on eating together as a community desiring intimacy and relationship.
We listen to our community’s stories, and let each other know we are worth something even when times are rough. Through our connections with each other and outside resources we do what we can to meet real needs.
Whenever we have the resources in hand, we share what we have: socks, toiletries, backpacks, tarps, sleeping bags and much more. By meeting needs through relationship we ensure that these resources are given directly to our friends.
By being present weekly, by meeting up with our friends at other times as needed, and by being part of a committed team that keeps HOMEpdx running. This team is all-volunteer based and is made up of folks who live outdoors and indoors. We meet twice a month in addition to weekly community gatherings.
We invite you to join us. We strive to create a safe environment for our friends and anyone who would seek to join our community. Some volunteers simply help as needed. Others join the HOMEpdx team or form a food group to bring the Sunday meal once every two months. If you’re interested in connecting, please email us or refer to our contact page
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