Barriers and Cell Phones
A few months ago, I dropped my phone in the toilet. I will spare you the details of this mishap and say only that the small computer I use to entertain myself (and avoid social situations) was no…

Money is such a chore
Money is such a chore. And before I say more please know that I’m not going to plead for donations. If you want to give to us, great! If you don’t, that’s fine. This is about what I…

Street Names
So I have a new street name. And before I let it out of the bag let me back up a minute. Earlier this month as we were handing out sack lunches in the south Park Blocks we got into…

Respect and a story that’s (not really) about Hell
Regularly in this line of work I have those moments of cognitive disconnect. More often than not it takes the form of me being struck dumb by the ways and the degree to which those who live inside can dismiss…

Needing Nap-time
I want you to pretend with me for a moment: You’ve had a long Saturday outside; maybe you’ve been chopping wood for the wood pile, maybe you spent the day helping out at your kid’s Marching Band or Scout Troop Christmas…
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